How to use Campaign Management and send messages with official API ?

In this section, we have attempted to help you with how to use Campaign Management to send a message with an official API.

Step 1:

To begin, click the Login button located at the top-right of the page.

Step 2:

Enter your registered email address and password to sign in.

In case of you’ve forgotten your password then you can sign in to your Account with the OTP by the following steps:

  1. Click Login with OTP
  2. Enter the OTP sent to your registered email.
  3. Click on Login button to login to your Account.

Step 3:

Once logged in, you’ll be directed to your Growby Dashboard. Now, click on the Campaigns tab in the left sidebar.

Step 4:

Click on the Create New Campaign” button located on Top-Right to create your new campaign.

Step 5:

Browse through the available templates and select one that fits your campaign needs. Hover over the template and click Use Template to proceed.

If no template is created then create a template first.

Step 6:

Now fill the following details for your campaign:

  • Campaign Name: Name for your campaign.
  • Campaign Owner Name: Owner of the campaign.
  • Recipient:
    • Select All Contacts to send the campaign to all your contacts.
    • Select Groups if you want to send the campaign to specific group(s).

Now click on Next button at the bottom-right.

Step 7:

On this page, you can do following things:

  1. Review your campaign details
  2. Select Schedule Campaign option to send your campaign on your specified Date and Time or Send now option to send right away.
  3. Test your campaign by sending a Test Message to a specified mobile number (optional).

After this, Click on the Send Campaign button to send the campaign to your selected Groups or All Contacts.

Step 8:

After sending your campaign, you’ll be redirected to the Campaigns page where you can see the status of your campaign.

Your campaign will initially show as In Progress. Once it’s delivered, the status will be updated to Delivered.

Step 9:

If you want to get the report of your campaign then click on three dots in the Action column and then click on Get Report and if you want to put the campaign to archive then click on Archive.